A beautiful Act of True Repentance and Worship
Jesus was eating a meal at the house of a top religious leader of his day, when a woman who had lived a very sinful life walked to him and started to weep.
She bowed down before him and began to wash his feet with her tears. She repeatedly kissed his feet with her tears and then carefully dried them with the hair of her head.
She then pulled out of her bag an alabaster jar of perfume. This was the most expensive perfume she could purchase. She poured the perfume on his feet and gently rubbed it into them with her hands.
Jesus seeing her love said to her, “Your sins are forgiven”. The woman went home knowing that her many sins had been forgiven. (A full version of this story is found the Bible Luke Chapter 7 Verses 36 -50)
Dear Jesus
I come to you as I am,
You alone know the depths of my sin and shame,
I place at your feet,
All my sin,
All my shame,
All my guilt.
Thank you I can now walk away knowing I am forgiven. Amen.
By Harbajan (servant of Jesus) 06/03/2010