I Heard the Voice of Jesus Saying, I am the Good Shepherd, Follow Me, And I will Make All Things New
There are many voices that daily call out to us saying, follow me. These may be the voices of materialism, selfishness, alcohol, drugs, sex, improper relationships and despair. The voice of despair says to us, your situation will not change and there is no hope for you.
If we listen to any of these voices and follow them they will not bring us true inner peace, but despair. There is only one voice that can bring us true inner peace and that is the voice of Jesus. Jesus says to you and me, I am the Good Shepherd, Follow Me, Follow Me, Follow Me, and I will make all things new.
The Good Shepherd is a true friend. When life hurts – he will gently gather us in his arms and love us. Just like a hen gathers her chicks. He will protect us and defend us when no one else does. He is closer to you than your brother or your sister.
My dear friends please put your trust in the Good Shepherd. He is your true friend. He knows your voice and he hears you when you call out to him. He runs to rescue you from all of life’s foes. When you drift away from God your Father, he brings you back to himself. He will make all things new in your life.
The Good Shepherd Loved You and Me So Much that he died in our place on the cross to take away our sins. He lives today to advocate on our behalf before God our Father.

Dear Jesus,
I hear your voice,
Calling out to me,
I am the Good shepherd,
Follow Me, Follow Me, Follow Me.
I will follow you.
Please make all things new for me.
By Harbajan (Servant of Jesus) 07-10-2011