I Place Myself in the Potter’s Hands

“So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping as it seemed best to him.”
(Jeremiah Chapter 18 verses 3-4 in the Bible in the Old Testament.)

This is an amazing picture of God as a Potter. In his hands, he has the clay which has been marred. He is forming the clay into another pot as it seems best to him.

We may have been psychologically and physically marred by our negative experiences of life but God can reshape and remake us at his potter’s wheel.

He can mould us into something beautiful. This can only take place if we place ourselves in his hands. You may be thinking nothing can change the damage life has done to me.

Remember he is God and we are the clay in his hands which he is working on. Please know that at the potter’s wheel the impossible is possible.

Dear God,
You are the Potter,
I am the clay in your hands,
I abandon,
Myself to you,
Please do with me as it pleases you,
Reshape and remake me as it pleases you.
Wash way everything in me that is not of you.
I ask this in Jesus name.

By Harbajan (servant of Jesus) 31-08-2012