Jesus is the organic bread of life!
Do you want life in all its richness?
Has life disappointed you?
Are you burdened with life and its problems?
Have you messed up?
If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions then please read on. This message is for you and me!
Jesus said:
“I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to me will never be hungry. He who believes in and cleaves to me, and trusts in, and relies on me will never thirst any more (at any time)”
John Chapter 6 verse 35 (The Amplified Bible)
Jesus is the organic bread of life. He alone can meet our inmost needs. The world we live in provides us with temporary pleasure, for example, drugs, alcohol, sex and other worldly pleasures only satisfy us for a moment. But Jesus will satisfy us for ever. He does not promise an easy life because life will always have its difficulties. In the midst of life and its difficulties Jesus is the organic bread of life. Eat of him and you will be satisfied.

Dear Jesus
I come to you
The organic bread of life
You alone can satisfy
My inmost needs
I open the door
Of my life to you
Please come in
In Jesus Name
By Harbajan (Servant of Jesus) 02-04-2010