Peace on Earth
Dear God in Heaven
(Please help me to know you).
I honour your name
(Please teach me to respect your name).
I welcome your Kingdom
(Please teach me the values of your kingdom).
On Earth as it is in Heaven
(I pray for Peace between the different Nations of the World. I pray for Peace between the different Nationalities in this Country. I also pray for peace in my own home).
Please give us today our daily bread
(Please provide food for the hungry children in Africa, India, Pakistan and all over the world. Please teach me to share what I have with others).
Please forgive my sins
(Please help me to know you forgive me).
As I forgive those who have sinned against me
(Please give me the strength to forgive and love others).
Please guide me away from every temptation
(Teach me your ways that I may become wise).
Shield me from every kind of evil
(Please defend me, protect me and keep me close to you always).
I ask this in Jesus’ name.
By Harbajan (Servant of Jesus) 27-12-2011