Pin Downed.


The story of Jonah is about man who God has to pin down to follow his instructions. Often we can be like Jonah and go in the opposite direction to where God wants us to go.

God said to Jonah“Go and preach against the great city of Nineveh because its wickedness has come before me.” But Jonah decided not to do this, instead he boarded a ship in the opposite direction to flee from God.

God then sent a great storm which threatened to destroy the ship. Each of the sailors cried out to their gods for help. They even threw the cargo overboard to lighten the ship but Jonah was in a deep a sleep in the back of the boat. He was not alarmed by the circumstances.

The sailors woke him up and said, “How can you sleep when we are about to drown! Pray to your god and ask for us to be saved.” Then the sailors said to each other let’s throw lots to decide who is responsible for this disaster. They threw the lots and lot fell on Jonah.

The sailors asked Jonah, “Who are you and what have you done?” Jonah replied, I am a Hebrew and I worship the God of Heaven, who made everything. I am running away from God. This is all happening to you because of me.” At hearing this the sailors became fearful.

The storm became fiercer. So the sailors said to Jonah, “What do we have to do for the sea to calm down? Jonah replied, “Throw me overboard and the sea will calm down.” The sailors tried their best to keep Jonah on the ship by rowing against the storm but their lives were being threatened by it.

So the sailors threw Jonah overboard. He would have drowned but he was swallowed by a whale. God had ordered the whale to swallow him. Jonah stayed in the whale’s belly for three days.

After the three days the whale vomited Jonah out of its mouth on to dry land. Second time round Jonah obeyed God and went to the great city of Nineveh. This is quite an amazing story of God having to corner Jonah so that he would submit to what God wanted him to do. It is often the same with us. God has to corner us in such a manner that we have no choice but to cry out to him just as Jonah did.

Jonah was able to cry out to God from the depth of despair- from the belly of the fish. We are also able to cry out to God from whatever position we find ourselves in today. (The story of Jonah is found in the Old Testament in the Bible).

Dear God,
Please do with me what you think is best for me.
Holy Spirit please fulfil your plans for my life.
I ask this in Jesus name

By Harbajan (servant of Jesus) 20/12/2016