Psalm 23

The creator of the world will take care of me.
He will provide for me and my every need.

He will take me by my hand away from life’s problems
to a place where I can find peace and rest.

He will guide me in his way so that I can live a pure life before
him so that his name will be honoured in my life.

Even when I go through the most difficult times in my life,
he will be with me and he will lovingly carry me in his arms.

He will prepare a big feast for me in the presence of
everyone who knows me.

He will anoint my head with oil so that I can be healed of all
my diseases and my life will overflow with his goodness.

Only his goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life
and I will spend all the days of my life seeking him in his temple.


Psalm 23 was originally written by David in the Bible. David was known
as a man after God’s own heart. Harbajan has offered his own translation of it.

By Harbajan (Servant of Jesus) 14-02-2010