The Ultimate Sacrifice.

“Look, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the World!”
(John Chapter 1 Verse 29 Good News Bible)

It is hard to imagine how one person can take upon himself the sin of the whole world. When we look at history and all the atrocities carried out by men, how could one person carry all that guilt, sin and shame?What would that person have felt when he took the sins of the whole of humanity upon himself? What sorrow and pain must he have felt? What must have gone through his mind?

Then I think of my sin. I feel my sin alone was bad enough for Jesus to take upon himself. 

These questions cannot be fully answered by the human mind but we know it must have been agonising pain and suffering for one person to bear the sins of the whole of humanity on himself. Jesus carried the sins of the whole of humanity on himself. All the evil of humanity was laid on Jesus.

This was the ultimate sacrifice. The most painful and agonising sacrifice in place of sinners. Jesus died for you and for me. What should be our response to such a sacrifice?

Lord Jesus,
I think of my sin
And I am ashamed
You went through a lot of suffering
And pain on my behalf.
You gave your life for me
You died the cruellest of deaths.
All because of me
I thank you my dearest friend
Who stood up for me and defended me.
My True Friend

By Harbajan (servant of Jesus) 21/11/2015