I put my hand in the hand Of the man who calmed The troubled seas

Jesus and his disciples were in a boat crossing to the other side of the lake. Jesus was asleep in the corner of the boat with his head laid on the cushion. A severe storm broke out and the winds and the waves rocked the boat.

The disciples were terrified.  They called out to Jesus and said, “Master don’t you care, we are about to drown!” Jesus stood up and said to the winds and the sea, “Be Quiet”.  At once the sea was calm. The disciples exclaimed, “Even the winds and the seas obey him!”

Jesus turned to his disciples and said to them,  “You have very little faith. Why did you doubt my sovereignty? I am with you always.”

 The disciples had become very fearful in the storm. In their fear they had forgotten Jesus was with them. They were overcome with fear- just as we are often in life when things are going wrong. We worry about all sorts of things, health, money and the future.

Jesus said to his disciples they should trust him. He was sovereign over everything. Jesus said that he would not turn away anyone who came to him. This invitation is open to us all.

Just one question for you, who have you placed your hand in? (This story as written in the bible is found in Matthew Chapter 8 verses 23-27).

Dear Jesus

Please surround me with your

Love and Care

Please come into my life

I place my hand in your hand

I put my trust in you.

Please take away all my fears.

Holy Spirit please bring your

Peace into my life.


    By harbajan (servant of Jesus)
