I want to give Jesus my all.

The Widow Who Gave Her  All to God

Jesus went to the temple and he saw lots of people putting their money in the temple offering. A widow arrived and put two small coins in it. Jesus looked at her and said to his disciples, “Others gave from what they could spare but she gave her last two coins. She has given all she had to God.”

This is an amazing story of the widow who gave her all to God. As a widow she probably had no other means of any financial support but that did not prevent her from giving to God her last two coins.

She placed her all before God. This was a big step of faith in God.  She was trusting God to provide for her as she had given to him all she had.  Faith pleases God.

     Dear Jesus,

I too want to give you my all

Please help me to do this.

I ask this in Jesus’ name


By harbajan (servant of Jesus) 27/05/14 www.godislove.me.uk