“But I Press on to take hold of that for

Which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

But One Thing I do:

Forgetting what is behind

And straining towards what is ahead.”

St Paul talks about a personal encounter with God.  Jesus appeared to him and showed him great mercy. Saul later became known as St. Paul after his conversion. He was persecuting the Christians. He saw Stephen being stoned to death but he did not do anything to stop it. He dragged men, women and children out of their homes. He was single minded and was destroying the church. But Jesus appeared to him in his great mercy and took hold of him.  

Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus. Saul was knocked off his horse by a powerful light shining directly to his face. A voice called out and said, “Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?”

“Who are you Lord?” asked Saul.

“I am Jesus, whom you persecute.” The voice replied.

That was the moment that changed Saul’s life. The Jesus he was persecuting came to him in great mercy.  Saul was blinded by the light and had to be taken to Jerusalem where his eye sight was restored. He was now a follower of Jesus.

God took hold of a rebellious Saul and transformed him. He became known as St. Paul. St Paul did not look behind but looked forward. The problem with looking behind is that we look at our failures and get depressed. Saint Paul would have been very depressed with his past but he made up his mind not to look back.  Jesus had shown him great mercy.

It has been said, leave the past to God’s mercy, the present to his divine love and the future to his providence. St Paul left the past to God’s mercy. Tozer said, “God is mercy.” St. Paul experienced the abundance of God’s mercy and he never looked back. We too can come to the God who is Love and Mercy and ask for his forgiveness.

Lord Jesus

I come to you as I am,

I ask for your mercy and forgiveness

Thank You that you died in my place on the cross.

May I too experience your love and forgiveness like St. Paul.



By harbajan (servant of Jesus)
