You shall have no other gods Before Me.
For I the Lord your God, am A Jealous God.
Exodus Chapter 20 Verse 3-4
We do not think of God as having feelings or being a jealous God. The people of Israel had a history of rebelling against God. He showed them so much kindness and even then they rebelled against him. God detested the people of Israel when they made themselves idols and worshipped them.
He rescued the people of Israel from the hands of the Egyptians after four hundred years of slavery in Egypt. While in the desert Moses had gone up the mountain to be with God. The Israelites formed a calf in form of an idol and worshipped it. God was very angry with them. Moses came down the mountain and smashed the idol to pieces.
It is the same today, God is a jealous God. Anything we are giving more attention than to God in our lives becomes an idol. God wants our worship and he wants the Number 1 place in our lives. This is because he does not want anything to come between us and him. God is a very jealous God. We need to tear down any idols we may have in our lives and come clean with God. We need to bow down only before the true God.

Dear God
I come clean before you.
I tear down every idol in my life
And bow down only before you
The one true God.
In Jesus name.
By Harbajan (servant of Jesus) 14/05/2015