A Prayer for 2016.
“Even though I walk through the valley Of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil For you are with me.”
This verse is from Psalm 23 in the Bible.
There are times in our own lives when we walk through dark valleys. A dark valley is a place where there seems to be no light and these are places we usually think we will never come through.
The dark valleys are places where we may experience unbearable physical or psychological pain. We may experience bereavement, fear, loss of health, unemployment, loneliness, and divorce. We may even be confronted by death itself.
In the dark valley we may feel we have no hope. In those times we just need to be loved by God. We need him to love, comfort, and carry us just like a loving father carries a child who is hurting. We can begin to put our trust in a God who is our Loving Father. It does not matter how fragile that trust is but it is a starting point. We can put our trust in God’s infinite goodness, mercy, love and forgiveness.
A Loving Father or a Loving Mother will not abandon a child whose is in pain. How much more will God who is our Heavenly Father care for us? He will carry us in his loving arms during troubled times.
During 2016, we can put our trust in a Heavenly Father who is perfect and whose care for each one of us is infinite. We can also find comfort in the words “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil for you are with me.”

Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you
Trusting in your infinite
Goodness, Mercy, Love and forgiveness.
I ask for your protection and care for all
My family, my friends and also for me.
By Harbajan (servant of Jesus) 18/11/2015