Called to be a living sacrifice
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship”
(Romans 12 The Good News Bible)
What God requires from us as individuals is to offer ourselves to him as a living sacrifice. This is God’s desire and it should also be our desire. The very breath that we breathe comes from God. Therefore let us give him our everything. He is definitely worth it.
Dear God
I consecrate my eyes to you
That they may see every situation
From your divine will
I consecrate my ears to you
So that they may only hear
Your voice
I consecrate my voice to you
So that it may only speak
Of your immeasurable love
I consecrate my hands to you
So that they may become hands
That pray to you
I consecrate my feet to you
So that I may only walk
Towards you
I consecrate my whole body to you
So that I may use all parts of it
To worship you
I consecrate all that I am
And will become
To you
I ask and pray this
In Jesus Name
By Harbajan (Servant of Jesus) 02-04-2010