Embrace the teachings of Jesus
The meaning of True Seva (Seva means serving others)
Jesus said, “I say to you, what are you doing that is different if you pray for those who pray for you. If you bless those who bless you. If you look after those who look after you. You are not doing anything different. Even the worst of sinners do that”.
But I say, “Bless and pray for those who make life difficult for you. Yes, bless them and not curse them. This is the meaning of True Seva so that you can become like your Father in heaven. He sends the sunshine on the Good and Bad alike.”
Jesus said, “I say do not look down on others. The way you treat others you will also be treated. When you invite someone for a roti (dinner) invite those who cannot invite you back. This is meaning of True Seva. Then your Father in heaven will reward you.”
The teachings of Jesus are revolutionary and have been changing the world and continue to change it. We need to embrace those teachings and so do our children so that the world we live in can be a better place. We cannot practice the teachings of Jesus in our own strength but we need God’s spirit to be living in us to practice them.
(The teachings of Jesus are found in the Bible in Matthew Chapter 5 in the New Testament).

Dear Jesus,
Please teach me the meaning of True Seva
That I may become like you.
I want to embrace your teachings
I welcome your spirit into my life.
I pray this in Jesus name.
By Harbajan (servant of Jesus) 09/04/14