God Looks Beyond Our Sin
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. (Luke Chapter 23 verse 34 in the Bible)
Jesus had been brutally nailed to the cross. Beneath the cross, the Roman soldiers who had physically nailed him to the cross were casting lots to divide his clothes.
Their behaviour showed a total disrespect for the man dying on the cross. They had no regard for his pain and suffering, instead they mocked him by casting lots to divide his clothes.
Jesus experienced the mockery of men right up to the moment of his death. He cried out, “I am thirsty.” Instead of water he was offered wine vinegar to drink which he refused but in his pain he found the extraordinary courage to ask God his Father to forgive these men.
He prayed, “Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” He did not want their sin to be counted against them. Jesus saw beyond their sin and saw their need of his love and forgiveness. This is quite extraordinary and amazing.
Jesus also asks God our Father for our sins not to be counted against us. There is no greater act of love and forgiveness than to forgive those who have hurt us and to pray for them.
Remember God forgives the inexcusable things we have done wrong towards him. God ‘lets us off’ because he sees beyond our sin and sees our need of his love and forgiveness.
God also remembers that Jesus has paid the price for our sin. Therefore our sins are no longer counted against us but we must thank Jesus for dying in our place on the cross and choose to follow him. Remember Jesus promises a place in heaven to all who follow him.
Dear Jesus,
I can barely take it in,
When I think of your great love and mercy,
Towards those who had nailed you to the cross.
You prayed,
“Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”
I do not understand such love and forgiveness.
It is beyond my understanding.
Please forgive me also,
for all the things that I have done which have displeased you.
I now choose to follow you.
One day I want to be in heaven with you.
By Harbajan (servant of Jesus) 09/03/2013