I place my hands in the hands of Jesus

I place my hands in the hands of Jesus…
His hands created the universe and everything that breathes in it. His hands created me, a unique individual.
I place my hands in the hands of Jesus…
He raised his hands at the roaring seas and winds. Immediately they obeyed him and calmed down.
I place my hands in the hands of Jesus…
When he touched the leper he was completely cured.
I place my hands in the hands of Jesus…
He took five small loaves and two small fish – blessed them, gave thanks to God – he then asked his disciples to distribute them to a hungry crowd of five thousand people. As the disciples distributed the food it multiplied so many times that it fed every single person, including children, and there was so much food left over.
I place my hands in the hands of Jesus…
His hand had nails hammered into them. The nails that were meant for me, that should have been hammered into my hands. He is a friend indeed.
I place my hands in the hands of Jesus…
He alone is my future.
In Jesus name,
By Harbajan (Servant of Jesus) 02-04-2010