Peter cried out,“Lord save Me I am Sinking!”

Jesus came walking on the water to his disciples who were in the boat. The disciples became terrified. They cried out loudly, “It’s a ghost!.”

“Do not be afraid, Take Courage, it is I,” said Jesus. Peter replied, “Lord if it is really you, tell me to walk on the water to you?” “Come,” said Jesus

Peter stepped out of the boat and started to walk on the water with his eyes firmly fixed on Jesus but when he noticed the strong waves and the wind of the sea. He took his eyes off Jesus and he began to sink.

Lord save me I am about to sink!” cried out Peter. Jesus grabbed Peter by his arm and pulled him out of the sea. “Why did you fear?” said Jesus.

Jesus and Peter got back into the boat and the disciples worshipped Jesus. They said to one another we have not seen anything like this before, a man walking on the water, he is God!

There are times in our own lives, when we feel we are sinking in life’s problems. Just as Peter we also have to cry out to Jesus, “Lord save me.” Jesus is able to pull us out of whatever situation we may find ourselves in.

Or we may be feeling very afraid of what the future may hold for us. Jesus said to Peter, “Do not be afraid and take Courage. We need to take courage and put our trust in Jesus and not the systems around us that are failing us. (This story is found in the Bible in the book of Matthew Chapter 14 Verses 22-30). (This story is found in the Bible in the book of Matthew Chapter 14 Verses 22-30)

Dear Jesus,
Please help me to put my trust in you
And not to be afraid
When things seem out of my control
Help me to understand you are in control
Of life’s circumstances

By Harbajan (servant of Jesus) 30/04/2016