The door to heaven has been opened

“For while we were still helpless, at the right time, the Messiah died on behalf of ungodly people.”
(Romans chapter 5 verse 6. The Jewish New Testament).

The door to heaven has been opened because Jesus Christ died for the ungodly. This is the amazing love of God. St. Paul could not fathom out this amazing love.  How could a holy God love the ungodly? God’s love is a mystery which cannot be fully understood.
St Paul said that one may die for a good person but it would be very rare that one would die for an ungodly person but while we were yet sinners Christ Jesus died for the ungodly.
God in his great mercy loved us even when we gave him no thought and acted rebelliously against him.  This is Amazing love of God.  God welcomes all sinners…..
Jesus like a sheep before the shearers willingly went to die on the cross in place of the ungodly.  Jesus was submissive to the will of God. He did not for a moment retaliate or take things into his own hands but trusted in God.
Our response to the amazing love of God should be to come to God and offer ourselves to him. We owe our lives to Jesus and to no other.

( Please see Romans Chapter 5 in the Bible for St. Paul’s understanding of the Love of God).

Dear Jesus,
I am amazed at your love for me
         I cannot understand how you could have loved me
So much
When I was so far away from you
Gave you no thought.
I just want to say, thank you, thank you,
 For thinking about me and taking the punishment
That was mine.
I now want to live for you and you alone
Please help me to do this.
I ask this in Jesus’ name

By Harbajan (servant of Jesus) 09/08/2013