Who do you turn to when life hurts?

God is my refuge and strength.
(Psalm 46 in the Good News Bible)

A refuge is a place of safety. It is a place of shelter from the storms of life.
A refuge is a place where we feel protected and where no one can hurt us.
It is a very secure place. It is a place of tranquillity and peace.
That place is God.
We can turn to God as our refuge and strength when life hurts us.
God will not turn anyone away who comes to him with a sincere heart.

Dear God,
You are my refuge and strength
You are my place of safety
You are my place of protection
I hide myself in you from everything
That would hurt me.
You are my everything.
I pray this in Jesus name
I pray this in Jesus’name.
By Harbajan (servant of Jesus) 23/07/14