
A man of Sorrows Acquainted with Grief. Jesus was God
He came to Earth as a man But we took no notice of him. There was nothing in his appearance That would attract us to him. He was familiar with pain and suffering He was a man acquainted with grief. All the while we thought his Punishment was sent by God.
But the Lord laid on him the sins of us all. He was beaten for the wrongs we did We had all done our own thing. We had all turned our backs on God. We are healed by the wounds which he received. We are forgiven by the blows which he took We are made right with God By the cruel death he died On the Cross. (As written in the Bible. This passage is found in the book of Isaiah Chapter 53 in the Old Testament.) As in the words of a Hymn Writer, Love So Amazing, So Divine, Demands My Life, My Soul, My All.
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for dying in my place.
You were beaten because of the
Wrongs I did.
My punishment was laid on you
I am healed and forgiven by the wounds you received.
I am put Right with God by your death.
Thank you
By harbajan (servant of Jesus)