
He who saves his life 

Will lose it but he who gives up 

His life for God will find it.” (Matthew 16.25)

The way of the world we live in is look after yourself and keep as much as you can for yourself.  Jesus had some very strong words for those who chose to live a self-centred life. In the kingdom of God there is no room for greed and selfishness. Sadhu Sundar Singh gave a great example of this meaning.  

Sundar Singh and a companion were going through a pass in the Himalayan Mountains. It was extremely cold and both men were struggling to keep warm. They came across a man lying on the snow. He was unable to move and was extremely cold. Sundar Singh decided to stop to help him but his companion said, “He will slow us down, I am not helping him, we will die.” 

Sundar Singh decided that he could not leave the man behind to die. He lifted the man and put him on his back and took him. After a while the warmth from Sundar’s body transferred to the other man’s body. Both of the men generated warmth from each other’s bodies. 

The other man began to walk. They both came across the body of the man who decided to leave them behind. He was dead. The cold weather conditions had got to him. He had tried to save his life but lost it. Sundar Singh gave up his life to save another man’s life and he did not die. 

It is when we give our lives daily over to God we find the true meaning of Life. What we keep for ourselves we will lose one day but what we give to God. He will take care of it. 

Dear God

I give my life to you

That I May find it.

In Jesus name



By harbajan (servant of Jesus)